söndag 31 januari 2010

Weekends over, soon!


Here is a link to Google maps, to show where abouts I live, in the center of the map above the Ropponiitchome subway station, is where I live. See Map

No crazyness this weekend. Started this saturday with getting up late, ate my last bananas from my fridge. Went to Starbucks and had a americano and cheese and ham baguette. Then I sat there sketching 'til my coffe was cold, then I sketched for another hour. Not publishing any sketches at this point, maybe later.

Then I started walking, went to a cemetary, cemetaries are interesting places. Almost no people there, that where alive there is. Quite, except for the ravens, that always can be heard in the weekends. Tokyo is really quite in the weekends, if you keep away from Shibuya and Akihabara. Definetely going backto the cemetary later, when the cherrie blossom blooms its going to be really pretty.

Then I walked up to Gaienmae. To eat on a place called Eat, I had their Kobe Burger. Which was recommended on a website. Cosy little place, about 2,5 metres wide and 6 metres long. Dressing; good, medium done burger; good. Thought I ordered a Coke, however the waitress gave me a Corona. Ok... I'll have a beer.

Then I walked to Harajuku, this was quite a walk I might add.

Standing on the curb awaiting the green light to cross the road (with a couple of hundred japanese in my back), I got a feeling of standing on a battle field, think William Wallace. Watching the other side of the road where people where getting ready to charge our side when the signal turns green.

Then the signal turns green and the charge begins. See movieclip

Well, I only bumped into a few people.

After that I went to Akihabara, to look for a nwe pair of headphones. This proved however to be hard, hi-fi seems not to be of great interest there. Mainly it is about; Iphones, Ipods (most people do not buy good headphones for these devices, it is clear) mobile phones, cameras and laptops. Stereo equipment and quality headphones was harder to find. Infact I did find one pair of Bose headphones, but they where over my budget and butt ugly. So I gave up and went home.

Home to Roppongi, I acctually live between Roppongi and Akasaka. Roppongi is more of a sins nest and Akasaka is more of place for government offices. It is nice and quite where I live anyways.

Today my goal was set, I am getting myself a new pair of headphones. I went to Shibuya to track down some headphones, in Shibuya there are alot of music stores so I thought I would have a good chance to find a pair. However, it seems I am hard to please. Looked through Shibuya without finding anything. Saw a lot of clothes, bags and stuff.

Went to H&M in Shibuya, the store looked really nice and people seemed eager to shop.

Took another sketch and coffee session at Starbucks.

Then the quest for the perfect set of headphones where on again; I picked up the guide book. I figured I could give Akihabara another chance, a place called Electronics Town should be able to fullfill my wishes. However, again I could only find stores with mobile phones and laptops.

I gave up and headed for Ginza, the fcentre of Tokyo, where all the big offices are. Went to the Sony building and showroom. To look at the new Sony line-ups. And there they were, at a mere 3900 Yen, a good looking, good enough sounding and fabulously comfortable pair of headpones. So I bought them. Sony MDR-570LP:

The outside of the casing is of aluminum, nice , and the pading is very cumfy, super nice. Be jealous, they are only sold around here for now (I think).

Now I should be going to bed,


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