tisdag 9 februari 2010



Weekends gone by and week has started and is about halway through.

Went to a consert on saturday, see photos below. Good show, awesome bands, but to few people maybe? Fun though, good atmosphere in the place. The bands where hanging out in the bar and when a band started to play the rest of the bands gave their support from the audience. First I had to find the place, the entrance was tucked in between to stores and a sign showing the names of the bands, as big as an A4 paper...

First the night started out with a more classic heavy metal band, straight forward rock'n'roll, think their name was Earth Blow. Next band is called Fastkill, a band that is a textbook example of thrash metal from the 1980's. They played a 25-30 min set, without ever catching their breath between the songs, and they played crazy fast and hard and they sounded way better than anything I would expect if someone told me about a japanese band playing 80's thrash. Next band to enter the stage was a japanese band I allready had heard acctually. Electric Eel Shock, alot of fun, alot of classical rock riffs and this would probably the most well known band in Japan of that nights performances. Last band to get up on stage was the americans, Saviours. From the classical heavy metal grounds of the San Fransisco bay area. Heaviest that evening and impressive skills on their instruments, cool.

Sunday I woke up at an ok time, did some boring have too's. Cleaned, washed clothes and was iretated that the internet didn't work.

So plans for the weekend? nope no plans, think there is a public holiday on thursday, I will try to catch a design exhibition.

Have a look at the photos, blurry camera shots...

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