Oh, wonderful monday!
Weekend that passed:
Started out with hunting around for a new lens for my camera this saturday, weather was terrible. 3-5 degrees, probably, and mixed showers of rain and hail. Went round in Shinjuku and found the camera stores I was looking for, all of them were really expensive though. Had some lunch and and went back to Roppongi after looking around in different stores in Shinjuku. (No lens bought)
Thought I would watch Avatar, since most people speak so highly of it, but there were only shitty seats left, so I skipped the cinema.
By now I was feeling tired, feat aching and my back was aching, that it does some times from a full day of walking and I went to have a few pieces sushi, in a nice place pretty close to home. When I sat down I was feeling even worse, so I ate my food and went back.
Then I had a cold until, well I'm feeling better now, and hopefully it will be all gone 'til tomorrow.
Oh, and on sunday evening I bought a pack of Ibuprofen tablets, water and a ticket to see Avatar. I was really impressed by the "Alice in wonder land" trailer and Avatar was ok, a good solid 3 of 5. Would have been a 4, if they wouldn´t gone so crazy with the cheesyness. I prefer Braveheart, now that would have been cool in 3D! Arrows and blood flying around...(And people who like cheesyness gets that to)
Tomorrow Tuesday:
Jacket and tie day! Customer meeting, with all new people to exchange heaps of business cards with!
Oh and there was a trailer for another movie aswell: "My honey is a Gaijin!" a Japanese romantic comedy, about a girl who has met a guy with a beard that probably is American. All sorts of funny things happen! Atleast that is how I understood it, you now: mother-gets-surprised-and-drops-a-wase-in-the-floor-kind-of-stuff.
måndag 15 februari 2010
tisdag 9 februari 2010
Weekends gone by and week has started and is about halway through.
Went to a consert on saturday, see photos below. Good show, awesome bands, but to few people maybe? Fun though, good atmosphere in the place. The bands where hanging out in the bar and when a band started to play the rest of the bands gave their support from the audience. First I had to find the place, the entrance was tucked in between to stores and a sign showing the names of the bands, as big as an A4 paper...
First the night started out with a more classic heavy metal band, straight forward rock'n'roll, think their name was Earth Blow. Next band is called Fastkill, a band that is a textbook example of thrash metal from the 1980's. They played a 25-30 min set, without ever catching their breath between the songs, and they played crazy fast and hard and they sounded way better than anything I would expect if someone told me about a japanese band playing 80's thrash. Next band to enter the stage was a japanese band I allready had heard acctually. Electric Eel Shock, alot of fun, alot of classical rock riffs and this would probably the most well known band in Japan of that nights performances. Last band to get up on stage was the americans, Saviours. From the classical heavy metal grounds of the San Fransisco bay area. Heaviest that evening and impressive skills on their instruments, cool.
Sunday I woke up at an ok time, did some boring have too's. Cleaned, washed clothes and was iretated that the internet didn't work.
So plans for the weekend? nope no plans, think there is a public holiday on thursday, I will try to catch a design exhibition.
Have a look at the photos, blurry camera shots...
Weekends gone by and week has started and is about halway through.
Went to a consert on saturday, see photos below. Good show, awesome bands, but to few people maybe? Fun though, good atmosphere in the place. The bands where hanging out in the bar and when a band started to play the rest of the bands gave their support from the audience. First I had to find the place, the entrance was tucked in between to stores and a sign showing the names of the bands, as big as an A4 paper...
First the night started out with a more classic heavy metal band, straight forward rock'n'roll, think their name was Earth Blow. Next band is called Fastkill, a band that is a textbook example of thrash metal from the 1980's. They played a 25-30 min set, without ever catching their breath between the songs, and they played crazy fast and hard and they sounded way better than anything I would expect if someone told me about a japanese band playing 80's thrash. Next band to enter the stage was a japanese band I allready had heard acctually. Electric Eel Shock, alot of fun, alot of classical rock riffs and this would probably the most well known band in Japan of that nights performances. Last band to get up on stage was the americans, Saviours. From the classical heavy metal grounds of the San Fransisco bay area. Heaviest that evening and impressive skills on their instruments, cool.
Sunday I woke up at an ok time, did some boring have too's. Cleaned, washed clothes and was iretated that the internet didn't work.
So plans for the weekend? nope no plans, think there is a public holiday on thursday, I will try to catch a design exhibition.
Have a look at the photos, blurry camera shots...
Pictures 2010-02-09

Snowing Tokyo!
söndag 7 februari 2010
Internet down this weekend
Got some updates, but my internet is acting wierd. Will try later today.
tisdag 2 februari 2010
Monday, Tuesday... Not much to report, but some.
Monday did not have much to offer. Mondays are seemingly alike in Japan, Sweden and anywhere else. People go to work, but they would rather just stay home.
Also realised that a gay porn website has a similar adress to my blog's name. Hahahaha...!
Tuesday - Today!
Got some reinforcement today from our Singapore office, if even for a short while! Nice to meet people eye-to-eye, if you only have speaken to them over the phone earlier. Now the voice has a face. It was also her birthday today, so we had a small birthday celebration at the office.
After work we went to a sushi place and had some really good sushi. I will probably hesitate to eat sushi anywhere, but a really good sushi place from now. The chefs had a big aqarium behind themselves, where they picked up live prawns, ripped their heads of and made into a neat little sushi within a minute. Cool. Didn't have one of those though, I realised you could get one of the "pet" fishes in the aquarium, when I was already full. But I will go back for sure. Also I have learned a new use for the "creme brulée-burner" people have at home, Aburi sushi! First they make the sushi, then they season the sushi and burn it slightly with a propane burner. Also reaaaally good!
However the japanese get a minus for allowing smoking in their restaurants. They love to smoke in restaurants.
G'd night!
Monday did not have much to offer. Mondays are seemingly alike in Japan, Sweden and anywhere else. People go to work, but they would rather just stay home.
Also realised that a gay porn website has a similar adress to my blog's name. Hahahaha...!
Tuesday - Today!
Got some reinforcement today from our Singapore office, if even for a short while! Nice to meet people eye-to-eye, if you only have speaken to them over the phone earlier. Now the voice has a face. It was also her birthday today, so we had a small birthday celebration at the office.
After work we went to a sushi place and had some really good sushi. I will probably hesitate to eat sushi anywhere, but a really good sushi place from now. The chefs had a big aqarium behind themselves, where they picked up live prawns, ripped their heads of and made into a neat little sushi within a minute. Cool. Didn't have one of those though, I realised you could get one of the "pet" fishes in the aquarium, when I was already full. But I will go back for sure. Also I have learned a new use for the "creme brulée-burner" people have at home, Aburi sushi! First they make the sushi, then they season the sushi and burn it slightly with a propane burner. Also reaaaally good!
However the japanese get a minus for allowing smoking in their restaurants. They love to smoke in restaurants.
G'd night!
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